Habo 3-Tier Ministry
Is a men's ministry designed specifically to target the needs of God’s gate keepers. The man is called and assigned to be the watchman on the wall of his life and family. His needs must be identified and met in order for him to step up to the level where the Father can deposit his knowledge and wisdom into his soul and spirit. He is the one our enemy desires to sift as wheat first, which will leave everything else he’s responsible for vulnerable to destruction. This assignment extends much further than the heavy lifting at the local church; but addresses the man’s spirit, soul and body. HABO arms the man of God with weapons of praise, worship and revelation of Gods word; showing him his place in the kingdom of God, and teaching him the boldness to stay there. Yet one of his greatest responsibilities is to his wife and how to love her like Christ loves the church.
Is a women’s ministry designed to meet the needs of God’s virtuous wive’s. The woman is compared to the wisdom of God; He refers to wisdom as, she and her, not a him, what or it, because the woman is the only human that can multiply, add, or reproduce; what an honorable comparison! When you receive God’s wisdom and apply it to your life, it will reproduce and add increase to your situation, condition, and circumstances. The woman of God is under authority but has been given authority along-side the man to have dominion over the earth and anything that moves in it too. RAW teaches the wife to locate and indentify the needs of her husband and how to meet those needs and what awesome returns she can expect from her husband. RAW is the first book I wrote for God’s women in Christ, answering questions and giving solutions that will change their lives.
Is a singles ministry designed to address the needs of God’s solo believers. Many single men and women need H-healing from past marriages and the boy/girl friend “thang” that has caused some to reject any and all future relationships of which is making them miserable. Some need I- insight to keep them from attracting the same type of partners that didn’t love or respect them. Some need to learn how to be S-satisfied with Jesus alone, if not they will become desperate and willing to accept any person that comes along and miss the man or woman that God has for them; then the cycle continues with hurt, disappointment, and loneliness. Singles, there is a place of contentment and rest while the Lord is preparing that special one just for you.