• Steve, single

    Pastor Kelley, The Marriage Manual RAW, is one of the best books on relationships in the market today. It's not only common sense, and easy to follow, but also lined up with the Word of GOD. We thank you for allowing GOD, to use you to bring us this important information at such a critical time. This book will surely help save a lot of marriages, also singles who desire to be married.

  • Jeanette, single

    I have to say, that this book Raw, was an eye opener for me as a single woman. I've always wanted to know how a man thinks about certain things, how he feels, and how he sees. The book has given me a second chance to get it right the second time. This book has given me freedom also, meaning I have no more reasons to feel guilty about a failed marriage; God has purpose for everything that’s allowed in our lives. I thank Pastor Kelley, for the many days and nights, that he has worked on this book to give us ladies, an inside look at a man’s heart, and a man’s mind. I will use every piece of this Raw information, to build a lasting relationship someday, with my future husband.

  • Terry, married

    Pastor Kelley, I just wanted to tell you that from honeymoon through decades of marriage (41 years) I searched for your book RAW. For me this information had to come into being, before I could even follow God's calling to become a 'leader' in a Christian home. How many years lost! I can now see how the Bible can be about Love, Marriage, Life and Eternity all wrapped up, in the arms of the One who never told ,but asked us to make a choice giving Love a value it could otherwise not have. Thank you again.

  • Morris, single

    I received the book Raw and have already read it!! As you may have heard, I am now engaged! Reading your book has provided me with insight on how to treat my husband after the marriage. Thank you!!

  • Jerry, married

    Pastor Phillip Kelley's marriage manual, (RAW) "Real Answers for Wives" is a must read, full of wisdom that is written with such straightforwardness, humor and spontaneity. I recommend this book to all who are husbands, wives or those (singles) who are pondering marriage. I could not put this book down. I finished it and said it was the best book on relationships I have ever read. Thank you, Pastor Kelley

  • Smith, married

    Hello Pastor K, yes I have read most of it. Raw really does explain a lot about men, that women never even thought about because we are always so consumed with ourselves.

  • Bryant, married

    This book is very exciting! Most informative book about relationships that I have ever read. I was reading it and my mother-in-law started reading some different parts of the book. Her reactions were priceless. She was commenting as she read different excerpts from "RAW". Which made me want to hurry up and finish the book.

  • Maxwell, married

    Your book Raw, made me face the ugly truth about my role in my marriage. I've taken my husband for granted (and a hostage for that matter). I posses all the characteristics of the prostitute mentality and a degrading unwise wife. Your book exposed that I disrespected him. I am ashamed, and I'm starting right now to change. I plan to fulfill his sexual needs and allow him to be strong and encouraged. It can be hard to disagree in a marriage, but the Raw truth is an awesome tool to guide us toward a peaceful loving marriage. I really love my husband and he is the right man for me. I have to respect his needs to function and respect him for the reasons I married him.

  • Rev Jones, married

    Praise Him, I got your book and read it soon as I took it out of the box. I must say the title RAW, fits the content and is very much right on. It covers everything husbands and wives experience in their relationships; I don't think you missed a thing. I have already passed out a few copies to other pastors. To God be the Glory.

  • Patricia, married

    The marriage manual RAW, shed some light in helping me understand the husband/man more. The man is the responsible party for all that constitutes the families welfare. It’s a great responsibility knowing that he is accountable to God for being the leader. The chapter that stood out for me was Respect. Some issues that I had was rooted in disrespect. I couldn’t understand what was wrong with him. He thinks I’m trying to be the head of the house. I like what you said in chapter 9-when you respect your husband, he respects you in return, and it increases his sense of worthiness. I remember that whatever I do, do as unto the Lord, not man.

  • Jerry, single

    The book Raw hit a home run with answers to problems in a relationship. I wish this book was written 30 years ago, I believe my first marriage could have been saved if the knowledge of this book was available. This book is a guide not just for the married women but single women too; and a guide for husbands and single men also. Looking forward to your next book.

  • Wanda, single

    Hi Pastor Kelley, I enjoyed reading your book Raw. I just could not put it down. In reading your book, I learned that being that wife that my husband will learn to adore, I have to respect his position as the head of the household under God. That my body belongs to him and his to me as the bible states. I have always thought that men used sex as a tool to control, but it really is a time for him to express his way of affection. I also learned that it is not an ego thing but a stress releaser and a way of connecting with me. Raw helps me understand the ways of a man, so I can be the wife I should be. Also, cooking for him is a thing that he would enjoy not just eating out. Pleasing my husband is a way of assuring him that I take pride in who he is and the things that he does for me. I will remember this book, when I become a wife to the man that God has prepared for me. I’ll make sure that he reads it too. I thankyou from the bottom of my heart for the book. You are a blessed man with the wisdom of God's Word.

  • Ferguson, married

    I’ve learned more about my husband in one hour reading the book Raw, than in the five years I’ve known him.I asked P.Kelley, are you doing a book for the husbands? Then I said he won’t have to if I follow the marriage manual, I’ll get what I need from my husband.

  • Lady White, married

    Hello Pastor, I finished reading the book in about an hour. Once I picked it up, I could not put it down. It was Raw, but well needed. I learned a lot from the book and look forward to your next book. I am going to try to get Bishop to read it also. Thanks again for being honest & real with this book.

  • Barb, married

    Hi Pastor Kelley, The book was more than a "little" Raw for me. Yet, I was compelled to re-read it. You were on the American's Most Wanted list for a minute. :-) I was able to retrieve some valuable info that works for me. I've also recommended the read to some mature sisters. Take care and luv to the family. Keeping you and yours in our continuous prayers.