Why am I still Single?

Why am I still Single? good question, why are You still unmarried?

Single- alone. unmarried. unique. a single person. solo.

First of all lets determine if you should be married, the word says- each of us have our Gift from God, one of this, another of that- meaning some are to be married and others single. The word also gives us a hint, hint- if you don’t have self-control of your sexual passions, it’s your gift to be married; it’s better to marry than to be aflame with passion and continually tortured with sexual desire. If it’s your gift to be single, you have much more self-control, and not experience the sexual torture. which one are You?

If your Heart is searching for a home in another’s heart, whether you have never been married, widowed or divorced you should be married. Let’s find out why your heart is still homeless. Single Christians often say they may be lonely but, not alone because the word says-Jesus will never leave or forsake us; the word also says- he that findeth a wife findeth a good thing, it’s a good thing when a husband comes home to his Queen-loving, beautiful, caring, supportive and sexy, don’t make me go there, ya’ll stop it, stop it…and when the wife’s King comes home with love, security, protection and embraces her close, just the way she craves for it. The Lord is our all in all but, not a husband or wife, he left all of that hugging, touching, kissing and making love to us! Somebody said amen, I heard that

Some Singles have dated fellowshipped, courted and invested resources and quality time in the opposite sex just to walk away; and now, they have been without a relationship for a season. If some of them would swallow their miss placed pride, they would admit, that there was maybe at least one or two that could have been! not would have been a perfect match for them. Let’s explore what could have been. There’s a principal that I think every single person should adopt and apply to every individual they may consider for marriage. This principal will position singles with an opportunity to succeed in connecting with a lifetime partner, which they might have walked away from.

the (ICA) Principal- I Can Accept. I Cannot Accept. I Can work with.

So many times singles pray to God about a mate, they say things like am so tired of being alone, when Lord, am so tired of waiting, am not getting any younger, are there any good men left, where is she Lord, etc…he that finds a wife…is why our men are pursuing our women, and our women are to make themselves available to be found, not trying to find! Some become members of a dating site, some hope to meet someone at church, some hope to be introduced to someone by friends or family etc… some have a checklist like- masculine or sexy body, have a job and car, some limit their search to those earning 6-figure salaries, have their own home; some have an ethnic and color tone preference- black, white, red, yellow or brown; some a height and weight preference- over 5ft, 6ft, others confine their search to age, their city or state. Some prefer their date to be approved by their pastor, family or friends before they move forward with them. Some limit their search to those in ministry- preacher, pastor, evangelist, sing, you get the picture…

The Checklist above, are the things some singles like and desire from a potential mate, and there’s nothing wrong with that because the word says- God will give you the desires of your heart but, that was after you Delight yourself in Him. The word says- all these things shall be added unto you but, that’s after you seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all of His righteousness. What happened to the word that says- husbands love your wives’ like Christ love’s the church and gave himself for it, and what happened to- wives’ be in subjection to your own husbands in all things, What Happened? This is where the principal (ICA) will keep you singles from walking away from a lifetime Love.

Some Singles personal (pref) preferences, has deceived them into believing that if they accept someone that doesn't meet those pref they are compromising what they think they need to be happy! hmm...lets examine this; pref are just things you prefer over another thing, they are not Necessities (needs) they are Desires (wants); it's like choosing a slice of sweet potatoe pie over fruit and vegetables, one is a desire and the other is a need; ask yourself -if you only had those 2 choses which one would be more beneficial to Your body? you already know!

There Is No one perfect to choose from in this singles life; even if he or she met your pref, there still will be at least one, maybe two flaws about them you will not like. so the word says- you without sin (flaws) cast the first stone; the person you may feel like you can't live without will have to live with guess what? your Flaws too hmm...

Ladies You may be looking at a gentleman that lost everything in his divorce and starting all over (from scratch) he's working on changing his future; as you fellowship and spend quality time with him, you can see his pure heart, openess, and honesty; if your heart says-he Could Be the one that will Love me like Christ love the church and gave himself for it; he is truly a man of God, someone with the characteristics you have prayed for; before you walk away measure that decision by (ICA) principal, and say to yourself- I Can Accept that he's not financially where i want him to be, I Can Work with him and join my Faith in with his and make it happen; or- I Cannot Accept his financial status because he has revealed to me that he is looking for a lady to take care of him.

Gentlemen You may be looking at a lady that can't cook like your momma or grandmother, she may not be built like the Commodores brick house! she may be a little shy and not as outgoing as you would like, she doesn't like fishing, or sports of any kind but, you can see her heart and soul is only desiring you, you discern that she will be in your corner and stand by her man at any cost, she will continually lift you up to the Father in prayer; submission isn't a curse word to her but, an honored place in your relationship, she will follow you as you follow Christ. she's been married and divcorced twice but, before you walk away, you must apply the (ICA) principal just like the ladies above- I Can Accept, I Cannot Accept or I Can Work with; don't allow your personal missed placed preferences steal your lifetime Lover.

Ladies & Gentlemen could it be, You are still Single, because you have not been able to Accept your chosen one just like, when Jesus came unto His own, they received Him not and they missed a Divine Relationship with Him.


Why are you here? People Come into your life for a Reason, Season or Lifetime